Friday, June 09, 2017


Somewhere in the Mohave Desert, Calif., June 8, 2017—Sometimes a traveler can find the Truth lurking about in the most unlikely places. The Truth these days has become more and more of a subjective commodity—an elusive eel darting about unnoticed in the miasma of public opinion and murky agendas that are slowly but surely asphyxiating our Democracy. Though Truth is known to have a Stentorian voice, it is downed out these days by the din and clatter of a badly divided nation, forcing those of us who are interested in seeking the Truth to withdraw into isolated and quiet spaces, which is why I am guiding my vehicle into the wilderness along crumbling stretches of asphalt that harken back to the glory days of the American Dream.

Denial lies at the center of our crossroads
As I hit the road, the "Big News" of the day was that former FBI Director James Comey was concerned that our President, Donald J. Trump, is some kind of Serial Liar who may or may not be trying to hide his presidential campaign's, and maybe even his administration's, ties to Russian hacking of our last presidential election. In the wake of Comey's three-hour, deadpan testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, news organizations assembled panels to determine who had more credibility: Our Orange-Haired, Daddy Warbucks of a Commander-in-Chief, or the towering well-spoken Boy-Scout of a man who had served tirelessly as our nation's Top Cop for almost four years before being fired for "creating a distraction" about possible Russian Collusion by key players of the Warbucks Administration.

It's too bad that Comey's words were boiled down to mere platitudes that could be argued back and forth by pundits and focus groups on the evening news shows, because the real story is being largely ignored: Russia directly interfered with out Democracy—an act of Cyber-warfare, a virtual assassination attempt fought with weapons and tactics that are mostly unfamiliar to our mostly uneducated masses. The former FBI Director tried to spell it out for the panel, saying there was "no fuzz" around the issue, but most members of the panel were more interested in protecting or propping up their own political positions about whether our President was obstructing justice.

Out in America, opinions about the hearing seemed to coincide with whatever side of the political spectrum a person's ideologies happened to reside on. Chit-chat over red Enchiladas in Gallup, New Mexico, revealed a distrust of government in general, and our president in particular, tempered by a great reverence for Democracy and a love for our Republic. In Needles, California, a young fellow and an old timer at a gas station argued in the shade of an awning, presenting and defending the predictable "liberal" versus "conservative" sides of the argument. On this sweltering day there was more heat than light in their conversation, though both heartily agreed that "all politicians are crooks" and that our nation is in deep trouble and probably on the brink of collapse. In Twentynine Palms, California, sun-faded and wind-ravaged Trump/Pence campaign signs were displayed proudly above ramshackle encampments at the edge of the desert and the edges of society.

Our nation pines for a return to the days of "Happy Motoring"
It's clear that most people know there's something desperately wrong with our nation right now, but most seem hesitant to vocalize what that "something" really is. The polarization of America seems complete now. Both sides have squared off, and neither side seems interested in compromise or giving an inch. On one side, Donald Trump has become the perfect symbol for everything that is wrong or unjust about our nation; on the other, Donald Trump represents the hope that White Skin, money, and the home-court advantage will restore honor and dignity to a nation that seems to be moving from the big leagues to the bush leagues. Despite the differences between both points of view, each side does seem to be noticing the increasing irrelevance of the Little Guy.

Our nation sits at a crossroads like the one I came across deep in the Mojave Desert. Every signpost and set of directions has been ravaged and vandalized, yet one graffiti artist managed to provide a glimpse of The Truth—that we remain in terrible denial as a nation. While wealthy Oligarchs sitting a continent apart parse out our nation for sale to the highest bidders for their own enrichment, a divided rabble hurls words and punches toward one another in an ineffectual display of rage that can only get worse as the summer wears on.

It was 108 degrees at that crossroads, and it is only going to get hotter. It can only be a matter of time until something ignites, which is why the desert isn't a bad place to be right now.

See you on down the road....